How to use VNC on a UR Robot
Step 1 (Hardware):
Below shows the setup this document is based on

Picture 1 : Hardware Setup
Step 2 (Software):
Before Start, some software is needed:
Terminal : PuTTY (if you want to download click PuTTY)
FTP: WinSCP (if you want to download click WinSCP)
When you have downloaded and installed the above software on your PC, start WinSCP and Putty and connect them both to the robot – setup as below.

Step 3 (prepare for Update):
- Use WinSCP to search on the robot for the following file: /etc/resolv.conf
- Then right click and choose “edit”
- Modify the file and type in the IP of the DNS-Server (see picture 4)
- Click save and close the edit window

- Now search for the following file: /etc/apt/sources.list
- Then right click and choose “edit”
- Delete the whole text inside and copy the links below into the file (see picture 5)
(Q ROBOT UR Polyscope Compatibility 5.8 ~ 3.13 or later)
UR3.1 (USB-Stick):
deb wheezy main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free
deb wheezy-backports main

- Save and close the file sources.list
Step 4 (Update the System and install VNC):
- Go into the program putty and type apt-get update
- ID : root
- PASSWORD : easybot (It is invisible to enter the password, but it is written down, so you can press the Enter key after typing it all in)

- You will see, that the robot will download several files from the internet
- When finished, type apt-get install x11vnc to install the VNC Server on the robot

- Go back to WinSCP and search for the following file: /root/
This will make the VNC on the robot auto start when PolyScope starts up. - Then right click and choose “edit”
- Insert the following line: /usr/bin/x11vnc -display :0 -loop -passwdfile /etc/x11vncpassword -nossl -logfile /var/log/x11vnc &

- Go back to putty and type in the three commands below
- echo "easybot" > /etc/x11vncpassword
- chmod 400 /etc/x11vncpassword
- chown root:root /etc/x11vncpassword

- After running Q ROBOT, click the connection icon and input IP and Password.

How to use VNC on a UR Robot
Step 1 (Hardware):
Below shows the setup this document is based on
Picture 1 : Hardware Setup
Step 2 (Software):
Before Start, some software is needed:
Terminal : PuTTY (if you want to download click PuTTY)
FTP: WinSCP (if you want to download click WinSCP)
When you have downloaded and installed the above software on your PC, start WinSCP and Putty and connect them both to the robot – setup as below.
Step 3 (prepare for Update):
(Q ROBOT UR Polyscope Compatibility 5.8 ~ 3.13 or later)
UR3.1 (USB-Stick):
deb wheezy main contrib non-free
deb-src wheezy main contrib non-free
deb wheezy-backports main
Step 4 (Update the System and install VNC):
This will make the VNC on the robot auto start when PolyScope starts up.